Musical Vienna with Ludwig van Beethoven
Duration of the tour: 2 hours

Who better to show you the musical side of Vienna than one of the greatest composers, who lived here?
We are extremely fortunate that Ludwig van Beethoven himself has given us permission to accompany him on one of his famous walks. He will take you to special places in Viennese musical life and will tell you from his wealth of experience and share stories of his colleagues – and of course talk about himself. But as you may know: the master’s hearing leaves much to be desired – and the artist’s moods are also difficult to predict. So we ask you to be appropriately respectful of the maestro. He may not answer all your questions – either because he does not hear them – or his great mind may be working on another symphony… We must also bow to his demands: he only wants to be accompanied on his walk in dry weather. The master cannot accept more than twenty students. And furthermore, he requests a subsidy, which will benefit his nephew, in the amount of EUR 300 – which can be instructed beforehand via a financial institution – or handed over in cash.
Guide fee EUR 300 for up to 20 participants.
Meeting point
Mölkerbastei 8
1010 Vienna
Guided tours possible at any time (weather permitting). If you would like to visit the museum, please note the opening hours – entrance fees are not included in the tour fee.
Imperial Vienna with Joseph II.
Duration of the tour: 2 hours

There is certainly no one better to show you Imperial Vienna than an Emperor!
We have the honor that His Majesty Joseph II will grant us the grace and distinction of accompanying Him in person on a walk through His residential city of Vienna.
The famous son of Maria Theresa shows you the most important sites of the Habsburgs and thus guides you through Austrian history.
Joseph II, the reformer on the throne, is considered an enlightened ruler and the people’s favorite – but of course he is Holy Roman Emperor by the grace of God – an absolute ruler! So we ask you to behave accordingly! The form of address “Majesty” is self-evident, but the kiss on the hand is not desired – bowing and curtseying are, however, obligatory. His Majesty also deigns to grant extraordinary permission to make requests and ask questions. But be aware that Joseph II is also known for outbursts of temper! Of course, His Majesty’s requirements must be met: Dry weather is an absolute requirement. The number of chosen guests must not exceed twenty. The Emperor will grant the audience for two hours. Furthermore, the special payment of EUR 300, which is due to the Court, must be paid in advance by bank transfer or on the spot.
Guide fee EUR 300 for up to 20 participants.
Meeting point
1010 Vienna
Right in front of the monument
Guided tours possible at any time (weather permitting).
Capuchins' Crypt
Duration of the tour: 2 hours

There is hardly a place in Vienna that combines so much history, personal fates and macabre art history in one place as the Capuchin Crypt.
The family burial place of the Habsburg family from Empress Anna to Empress Zita houses the magnificent sarcophagi of famous rulers such as Maria Theresa, together with her husband Emperor Franz Stephan in the famous double sarcophagus, to the simpler sarcophagus of Emperor Franz Joseph, right next to that of his beloved wife Empress Elisabeth.
In my guided tour, you will not only learn about the funeral rituals, but also get an overview of the most important members of the family. The magnificent coffin of Leopold I or of Charles VI – designed by the leading artists of the time – speak of the family’s claim to rulership. The small sarcophagi, on the other hand, bear touching witness to the high infant mortality rate of the time. You will learn why the heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand and Emperor Charles I. are not to be found here – and why Crown Prince Rudolf was laid to eternal rest next to his parents – and not in Mayerling, as he had wished.
Guide fee EUR 220 for up to 20 participants.
Meeting point
Directly at the entrance of the Capuchin Crypt.
Guided tours possible by appointment at any time during the opening hours of the Capuchin Crypt:
Daily from 10:00 – 18:00.
(Last entrance at 17:30 p.m.)
Please note the opening hours – entrance fees are not included in the tour fee.
Cemetery St.Marx - The last one of it's kind
Duration of the tour: 2 hours

A Biedermeier Juwel
Founded in 1784, the „Community Cemetery “ was active for about 100 years and is the last resting place to many celebrities of the Biedermeier era. From Therese Krones – the legendary actress, to Peter Nobile – the important architect and Basilio Calafati – the unique Prater entrepreneur.
Mozart´s burial place
The composer was buried in a shaft tomb – as it was customary in that time. In the guided tour you will learn everything about the burial, the legends that arose and how it came to the present monument.
Guide fee EUR 220 for up to 20 participants.
Meeting point
Directly at the entrance of the cemetery.
By appointment during the opening hours of the cemetery
- October – March daily, 06:30 – 18:30
- April – September daily, 06:30 – 20:00
Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Duration of the tour: 2 hours

One of the most famous Art Museums worldwide is waiting to be discovered. Maybe a Re-discovery or an absolute new Discovery? Do we take a Highlight Tour through the collection? Do you have any special wishes? Bruegel (“…by far the largest and most important collection of his works in the world.”), maybe Velazquez? Rubens or the history of the building?
Get in touch with me and we will find the best path through this wonderful museum!
Guide fee EUR 220 for up to 20 participants.
Meeting point
Directly at the entrance of the museum.
By appointment during the opening hours of the museum.
Detailed Information and entrance fees (are not included in the tour fee) are listed here.
Vienna, Vienna, just you alone…
Duration of the tour: 2 hours

A town with many faces – a manifold, unique history with a lot of stories to tell. By foot we will discover the most famous attractions, meeting with famous personalities connected to the city. And we will learn about things, simply belonging to Vienna!
From the native Viennese to the One-day-Visitor – your wishes will be considered, and I will adapt my route. Familiar sites will be seen from a different angle – and the first impression will put you in the mood for “I want to see more”!
Do you care for Vienna and music? Maybe some baroque churches in all their splendor? History, architecture – or just thrilling stories? Shall we include a museum: The Treasury, the Imperial Appartements with the Sisi-Museum… I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Guide fee EUR 220 for up to 20 participants.
Meeting point
By appointment.
By appointment.
Wicked Vienna
Duration of the tour: 2 hours

The city also has a naughty side! I start at the Maria-Theresa monument – the woman had sixteen children – a good start. I read from Mozart’s letters to his Cousin and sing Georg Danzer’s “Wixer Blues” on the way.
Then I talk about various perverse affairs, from the baths of the Middle Ages to the “Grabennymphen” lit. translated: ditch nymphs – an expression for prostitutes.
I’ll talk about a theatre play that fell victim to censorship because every scene ends with a sexual intercourse – and of course there’ll be an anecdote about the Chastity Commission and Casanova. An entertaining and spicy tour through Vienna’s city centre.
Guide fee EUR 220 for up to 20 participants.
Meeting point
1010 Vienna
Right in front of the monument
By appointment.
For guided tours of the museums, the entrance tickets must be paid additionally.
The group size is limited to 20 people. Larger groups on request.
Tours in costume are weather dependent.
Please note the opening hours of the museums.
My general terms and conditions apply.
Exempt from sales tax – small business owners according to § 6 Abs. 1 Z 27 UStG

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